Baldev Singh GC (EGM exchanger)

b. ? India. d. 01/11/1983 India.

DATE AND PLACE OF GC ACTION: 06 and 07/1931 Ferozepore District, Punjab, India.

Baldev Singh (?-1983), it is believed, was born in the Punjab, India, though the date of his birth is unknown. Sadly, very little information is known about him other than the actions which led to his award of the Empire Gallantry Medal.

George Cross

Baldev Singh was a Sub-Inspector in the Punjab Police Force when he performed two acts of gallantry in the months of June and July 1931 in the Ferezpore District of the Punjab. He displayed great bravery in organising and leading an attack under fire on a dangerous gang of offenders in June. In July he narrowly escaped death in a successful raid on a house occupied by persons in unlawful possession of firearms.

Baldev Singh was awarded the Empire Gallantry Medal of the Civil Division on 29th December 1931, and this was exchanged for a George Cross on its creation in September 1940. Little else is known of Baldev Singh’s life, except that he died in November 1983. His final resting place is unknown though it is believed he was cremated. His GC, 1953 Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal and 1977 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal are not publicly held.