Ahmed Muhammad Mirghany GC (EGM exchanger)

b. ? Sudan. d. 25/08/1951 Sudan.

DATE AND PLACE OF GC ACTION: 18/09/1932 Khartoum, Sudan.

Mirghany Ahmed Muhammad (? – 1951) is sadly a recipient of firstly the Empire Gallantry Medal (later the George Cross) of which very little is known. It is believed that he was born in the Sudan, but his birth date, family origin or place of birth are not known. All that is known about his life is the incident for which he was awarded the EGM.

George Cross

On September 18th, 1932, in Khartoum, Sudan, the Nile was in flood, and at a point where the river was particularly dangerous, even for the strongest swimmer. Ahmed Mirghany rescued three girls from certain death by drowning, the oldest of whom was just 15 years old by diving into the water without hesitation and pulling them out.

He was awarded the EGM (London Gazette, 30th December 1932), and this was later exchanged for the George Cross following its creation in September 1940. Ahmed Mirghany died on 25th August 1951 and it is believed he was cremated. His George Cross is not publicly held.