Albert Schofield EM

b. ? d. ?

DATE OF EM ACTION: 28/01/1913 Lodge Mill Colliery, Lepton, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire.

Little is known about the life of loader Albert Schofield other than his actions at Lodge Mill Colliery, Lepton, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire on 28th January 1913.



On the 28th of January last two men named James English and Alfred Sykes lost their lives from poisoning by noxious gases in some old workings at the Lodge Mill Colliery, Lepton, Huddersfield, which had been gas-bound for a fortnight. They had penetrated into the workings in order to continue the recovery of some rails; and, after about half an hour, Chatterton and Schofield, who were there to repair the road and load up the rails, became alarmed at their absence, and went in search of them. They had to go on hands and knees in the dark, in a low road only three feet tigh, through a foul atmosphere. Chattelton succeeded in getting within call of Sykes, and Schofield succeeded in going a distance of 70 yards before becoming unconscious. Failing to reach Sykes, Chatterton managed with difficulty to make his way back, and to telephone for assistance, while Schofield remained unconscious in the workings till his subsequent rescue. There is no doubt that both men ran very serious risk to their own lives in attempting to rescue Sykes and English.