b. ? d. 25/12/1961 India.
DATE AND PLACE OF GC ACTION: 08/05/1934 Darjeeling, India.
Bhupendra Narayan Singh (? – 1961) was born in India, though the date of his birth and details of his early life are not known. At the time of the incident which led to the award of his Empire Gallantry Medal he was a Zemindar for Garh Barwari in the Bhagalpur District of Bihar and Orissa, India.
On 8th May 1934 in Darjeeling, India, the horses were being led in after the Governor’s Cup race at Lebong racecourse when an attempt was made by two Bengali youths to assassinate the Governor, Sir John Anderson, who was standing in his box facing the racecourse. Charles Tandy-Green, was on the judge’s stand; hearing a gunshot, he looked around and saw a man pointing a pistol at Anderson. He rushed at him immediately and brought him down. The two men rolled together to the bottom of the steps, where Tandy-Green pinned him tom the ground until others came to help. Bhupendra Narayan Singh was in the race stand outside the Governor’s box. On hearing the shot, and seeing the other assailant taking aim with his revolver resting on the rail separating the stand from the box, he immediately grappled with him, endeavouring to pull him back and at the same time to divert his aim. While the two were struggling, two shots were fired by the Governor’s personal guard and the Superintendant of Police. These hit the assailant but failed to immobilise him. Both men fell to the ground and others came to assist, and the man was quickly overcome.
Both Charles Tandy-Green and Bhupendra Narayan Singh were awarded the Empire Gallantry Medal on 19th June 1934, which were later exchanged for the new George Cross in 1940. Little else is known about Bhupendra’s later life, and he passed away on Christmas Day 1961, and its believed he was cremated. His GC and 1953 QEII Coronation Medal are not publicly held.