b. 1829 Grendon, Warwickshire. d. 01/1899 Grendon, Warwickshire. (buried on 28/01/1899)
DATE OF AM ACTION: 01/05/1883 Baddesley Colliery, Warwickshire.
He was born in 1829, the illegitimate son of Sarah Day. In 1832 Sarah married Robert Dingley and Charles was brought up by his mother and stepfather along with his six half brothers and sisters. In 1850 he married Eliza Sanders and they had 10 children two of whom died in childhood. His three eldest sons, Joseph, William and Thomas all died in the explosion. Charles worked as a coal miner all his life and returned to the pit to help out as soon as it could be reopened. He died in 1899.
CHARLES DAY, collier, Baddesley, was employed as a deputy at the Colliery. Having been on duty from 2 p.m. on Monday, the 1 of May, he was at the pit bottom about 10 o’clock that night, when his son, Joseph Day, also a deputy, on descending the upcast shaft to relieve his father, discovered the smoke. Charles Day then ascended the shaft through the smoke and noxious gases, which nearly overpowered him, and after sending word to the manager, returned into the mine by the downcast mine. He and his son then endeavoured to creep under the smoke over the brow. of the engine plane, but found it impossible to do so without help. He afterwards took part in all the attempts made to rescue the nine imprisoned; but having been sent by Mr Smallman to perform some duty out of engine plane at the time of the explosion, he fortunately escaped without any severe burns, although badly shaken. Notwithstanding the many hours he had been on duty, and the shock to his system caused by the explosion, he was one of the party of six which first after the accident descended the mine and rescued Mr Dugdale, and again made one of the second party, which rescued John Collins. He volunteered also for the third party, but, owing to his exhausted state, was not allowed to go down again. His unflinching bravery and endurance was marvellous; and he refused to leave his post until carried away by order of Mr Stokes. He had three sons fatally injured by the explosion, of whom the eldest, Joseph Day, displayed, whilst enveloped in flame, acts of bravery and self- devotion of the very highest character. These acts of conspicuous bravery have won for him the esteem of all, and Her Most gracious Majesty the Queen has been pleased to confer upon him this distinguished token of her favour, “The Albert Medal of the First Class”.