b. ? d. ? 1939 Nepal.
DATE OF EM ACTION: 31/05/1935 Quetta, India (now Pakistan).
Little is known about the life of Chitrabahadur Gurung other than his actions during the Quetta Earthquake on 31st May 1935. What is also known is that he died in 1939 a year before the creation of the George Cross, which meant that he was ineligible for the exchange for the new medal.
This Non-commissioned Officer, along with other men, was instrumental in saving the life of Mrs. Newington (wife of Superintendent Newington of the Railway Police). The family of Mr. and Mrs. Newington were buried in the ruins of their bungalow some five or six feet under the debris. The party started digging at about 07-00 hours on 31st May, 1935. Through unceasing work carried out under very dangerous circumstances, as the work was carried out under the remaining wall of the bungalow, which would have fallen if another shock had taken place, the vicinity of the bodies was reached about 09-30 hours. Great care and intelligence were required in order to avoid wounding the couple, whilst speed was essential if there was to be any hope of rescue. Soon after 09-30 hours Mrs. Newington was extricated alive and shortly after Mr.Newington dead. Lance-Naik Chitra-bahadur Gurung showed initiative, resource, and courage, which were undoubtedly instrumental in saving life.