b. ? Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. d. ?
DATE OF DM ACTION: 12-13/04/1942 North Sea.
Dutch Coast was bred and owned by Mr J Flower of Radcliffe-on-Trent, and was a red cock of the Osman strain of racing pigeons. After being donated into military service, the bird was placed on a bomber so as to relay an S.O.S. message if the plane was shot down. It was given the military designation NURP.41. A.2164.
In April 1942, the bomber on which it was on board was ditched in the water near the Dutch coast. The bird was the only one on-board and was retrieved by the crew who released it from the dinghy at 6:20am.
It travelled some 288 miles in 7 and a half hours under poor conditions, back to RAF Syerston in Nottinghamshire. For this action, it was awarded the Dickin Medal in 1945. The bird was renamed “Dutch Coast” in honour of its action.
For delivering an SOS from a ditched aircrew close to the enemy coast, covering 288 miles distance in 7½ hours, under unfavourable conditions, while serving with the RAF in April 1942.