b. 24/02/1892 New York. d. 07/02/1948 Port Chester, New York.
DATE OF MOH ACTION: 21/04/1914 Veracruz, Mexico.
Mexican Campaign Medal of Honor Recipient. He served as an Ordinary Seaman, U.S. Navy. On the dates of April 21 and 22, 1914, 1,500 American combat troops were put ashore for the assault on Vera Cruz, Mexico. During this action, Ordinary Seaman Schnepel of the U.S.S. Florida in the line of his profession contributed greatly to the success in the seizure of the city. For his heroism in the line of duty, he was awarded Medal of Honor on June 14, 1914. He received his Medal on January 6, 1915 on the deck of the USS Florida from the Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels at the Brooklyn Naval Yard, New York.
On board the U.S.S. Florida, Schnepel showed extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession during the seizure of Vera Cruz, Mexico, 21-22 April 1914.