b. ? d. ?
DATE OF EM ACTION: 27/09/1924 Charlton, London.
Very little is known about the life of Frederick Oliver, a workman for Messrs G. E. Weston & Sons in London, who whilst working at an electrical works in Charlton, London, was awarded the Edward Medal on 27th September 1924.
On September 27th, 1924, while workmen were engaged on sinking shafts at the Elec-trical Engineering Works of Messrs. Johnson and Phillips, at Charlton, one of them named Timpson descended a shaft which was about 26 feet in depth. He was overcome by gas and lay unconscious at the bottom. A fellow worker named Bass attempted to reach him but was affected by the gas before reaching the bottom of the shaft and was compelled to return to the surface. Oliver, a foreman, then attempted a rescue. He tied a handkerchief over his mouth and descended the shaft but was overcome on reaching the bottom and collapsed. Krull, knowing that Timpson and Oliver were unconscious in the shaft, dipped a muffler in water and tied it round his mouth and nostrils. With a rope round his body he descended the shaft and succeeded in bringing up Timpson. He then went down a second time and brought Oliver also to the surface. Timpson unfortunately was beyond aid but Oliver though unconscious when he reached the surface, eventually responded to treatment. Both Krull and Oliver performed a very brave action. Krull had been a miner and was well aware of the risk he was running. He knew that three men had been overcome by the gas and he was undoubtedly the means of saving Oliver’s life. Oliver, too, showed great courage in his attempted rescue of Timpson at the riskof his own life.