George Edgar Oliver Wenborn EM

b. 1868 Poplar, London. d. 19/01/1917 Silvertown, London.

DATE OF EM ACTION: 19/01/1917 Silvertown, London.

George was the fourth of five children born to Samuel and Ann Wenborn (nee Phillips) in Poplar, East London in 1868. His father was a mariner. His childhood home was 2 Culloden Street in Poplar. On 19th May 1888 he married Clara Bella Robinson at St Mark’s, Victoria Docks, London. He and Clara would have six children, the last in 1905. By 1901 he had moved his family to 24 Arthur Street, Silvertown, West Ham, where he became a chemical worker at the Brunner Factory. At the time of the 1911 Census, he was now living at 43 Kempton Street, and his occupation was now listed as a candle maker. George was killed in the explosion at the Silvertown Chemical Works on 19th January 1917, aged 49 and was posthumously awarded the Edward Medal.



Also the Edward Medal of the First Class to the representatives of Dr Andrea Angel and Mr. George Wenborne, who lost their lives in endeavouring to save the lives of others on the occasion of a fire which broke out at the Silvertown Chemical Works on the 19th January, 1917, and His Majesty has been graciously pleased to award the King’s Police Medal to the representative of Police Constable George Brown Greenoff, who lost his life on the same occasion.