George Edwards EM

b. ? 1889 Somerton, Somerset. d. ?

DATE OF EM ACTION: 22/07/1911 Bryncethin Colliery, near Bridgend, Wales.

George was one of five children born to Henry and Jane Edwards from Somerton, Somerset. His siblings were Florence, John, Charles and Daisy. Little is known of his childhood, but he became a miner, and in 1911, he was living with his sister Florence and her husband near Bridgend, Wales. Nothing is known about George’s life following the award of the Edward Medal.



On the 22nd of July, 1911, a road was being driven at the Bryncethin Colliery, near Bridgend, in order to release an accumulation of gas, which, in a sudden outburst, rushed through a borehole in the roof, and the manager and three men were overcome by the fumes. with a rope tied round his legs tried to reach the three men, who had not been rescued. He was overpowered by gas, and had to be dragged out. On recovering he made further attempts and succeeded in attaching a rope to the bodies of two of the men, who were drawn up, but too late to save their lives. Edwards undoubtedly ran considerable risk, and, though his efforts to save life were unfortunately unsuccessful, his gallant action appears to deserve recognition.