George Livermore EM

b. 24/08/1883 ? d. 05/01/1968 Droxford, Hampshire.

DATE OF EM ACTION: 07/03/1923 Enham Village, Andover, Hampshire.

George was born on 24th August 1883, though little is known about his early life. It is believed he married Alice Susan Jeffrey, and served in the RAF during the Great War. He was invalided out of the the RAF due to a gunshot wound to the foot, and undertook a training course to become a French polisher. He was severely injured during the incident at the Enham Village Centre, and was incapacitated for the majority of the rest of his life.



Livermore served in the Royal Air Force during the war and was discharged in 1919 with a disability pension on account of a gun-shot wound in the foot. He was undergoing a course of training in French polishing at the Enham Village Centre, Andover, and on March 7th, 1923, was, together with other disabled men, in a room where some beeswax mixed with turpentine was being heated on a stove. This caught fire, and Livermore, realising the danger, seized a walking stick and with the crooked end lifted the blazing bucket and made for the door. His clothing was alight, but not withstanding serious burns he gallantly made his way to the doorway, when he was compelled to drop the bucket. When the fire occurred some of the men in the room managed to escape through the windows but all the men were in various degrees disabled and some were unable to escape. As it was, some of the men were slightly burnt, while Livermore himself sustained severe injuries causing him intense suffering. He had to lose part of his left arm while his right hand and arm were severely burnt. There is no doubt that Livermore realised the danger to his comrades if the building caught fire and without hesitation risked his life on their behalf.