George Seanor Robb MOH

b. 18/05/1887 Assaria, Kansas. d. 14/05/1972 Topeka, Kansas.

DATE OF MOH ACTION: 29-30/09/1918 near Sechault, France.

George S Robb MOH

Robb was born on 18 May, 1887 in Assaria, Kansas, a small farming community. In the early 1900s, he attended the Park College Academy, a preparatory school, which instilled the “formation of habits of application of study.” Following his Academy years, in 1908 he began his studies at Park College (now Park University) and graduated in 1912. Robb continued his education by attending Columbia University (New York City) and graduated in 1915 with a master’s degree in American History.

Robb was an instructor in American History for four years before the war and selected principal of the Great Bend High School (Great Bend, Kansas) in the spring of 1917 but resigned to join the U.S. Army. He attended officer training at Fort Sheridan (Illinois) between 27 August and 26 November, 1917.

He was brigaded with the 4th French Army commanded by General Henri Gourand. Robb was engaged in the Champagne-Marne, Aisne Marne, and Meuse-Argonne theaters with members of the “Harlem Hellfighters.” Less than a week prior to the engagements at Séchault and Rosier, where he was severely wounded, his promotion to First Lieutenant was bestowed. On April 16 1919, Robb received the Medal of Honor in Salina, Kansas from Brigadier W. H. Sage.

Robb returned to Kansas following the war and served as postmaster of Salina, Kansas, from 1923 to 1935. In 1935, he was appointed Kansas State Auditor and was re-elected in that position until 1957. He was married to Winona McLatchey and they had two daughters, Mary Jane Sage and Georganne Welty. He died on 14 May, 1972 in Topeka, Kansas.



While leading his platoon in the assault, 1st Lt. Robb was severely wounded by machine-gun fire, but rather than go to the rear for proper treatment he remained with his platoon until ordered to the dressing station by his commanding officer. Returning within 45 minutes, he remained on duty throughout the entire night, inspecting his lines and establishing outposts. Early the next morning he was again wounded, once again displaying his remarkable devotion to duty by remaining in command of his platoon. Later the same day a bursting shell added two more wounds, the same shell killing his commanding officer and two officers of his company. He then assumed command of the company and organized its position in the trenches. Displaying wonderful courage and tenacity at the critical times, he was the only officer of his battalion who advanced beyond the town, and by clearing machine-gun and sniping posts contributed largely to the aid of his battalion in holding their objective. His example of bravery and fortitude and his eagerness to continue with his mission despite severe wounds set before the enlisted men of his command a most wonderful standard of morale and self-sacrifice.



BLOCK 17, LOT 46.