b. 23/11/1915 Denver, Colorado. d. 13/09/1968 Cambodia.
DATE OF MOH ACTION: 26/12/1944 Sigolsheim, France.
Ware was born in Denver, Colorado on 23 November 1915. He graduated from South High School and worked at a variety of jobs to help support his family.
Ware was drafted into the United States Army in July 1941. He was sent to Officer Candidate School in 1942, emerging a platoon leader stationed at Fort Ord, California. He saw extensive service in the European Theater of Operations during World War II, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel by December 1944, and was appointed to command the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division.
On 26 December 1944, Ware’s battalion was attacking a heavily fortified German hilltop position. Finding one of his assault companies stalled and digging in under heavy fire, Ware went forward and made a close reconnaissance of the German positions, deliberately drawing their fire in order to determine their location. After two hours, he returned to the company and organized a small force of eleven men including two officers and a tank in order to renew the attack. Leading the advance, he personally assaulted four enemy machine guns, enabling the tank and the rest of his detachment to destroy the German position. Ware was wounded, and five soldiers of his group were killed before the hill was secured. In April 1945, he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.
Unlike most draftees, Ware remained in the army after demobilization, becoming a career soldier and one of the first former draftees to reach general officer rank.[1]
Ware remained in Europe and took part in the post-war occupation of Germany. He then attended the United States Army Command and General Staff College, after which he was assigned to the Military District of Washington. During this assignment he met his future wife, Joyce; they were married in May 1947.
Ware attended the European Staff Officers’ Course at Columbia University, and then studied at George Washington University in preparation for a teaching assignment. Ware was then assigned to the United States Military Academy as an instructor in psychology and leadership, after which he attended the Armed Forces Staff College.
After a posting in South Korea from 1955 to 1957, Ware attended the National War College. He then served as an army congressional liaison and completed an assignment in Europe. In 1963 Ware was assigned as assistant division commander of the 2nd Armored Division at Fort Hood, Texas, and was promoted to brigadier general. From 1964 to 1967 Ware was the army’s deputy chief of information and then chief of information. In 1966 he was promoted to major general.
Ware volunteered for service in Vietnam and arrived in South Vietnam in early 1968, serving as the deputy commander of II Field Force. On the morning of 31 January 1968, at the start of the Tet Offensive, II Field Force commander Lieutenant General Frederick C. Weyand directed Ware to establish a tactical command post at Camp Lê Văn Duyệt, next to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam’s Capital Military District headquarters. Once operational this headquarters, known as Hurricane Forward, would assume tactical control over all United States units entering the Saigon–Gia Định Province zone. Following this, Ware was assigned to command the 1st Infantry Division in March 1968.
On 13 September 1968, during the Battle of Lộc Ninh, elements of the 1st Infantry Division were preparing to attack Hill 222 (11.888°N 106.629°E), 6 km north of the town. Ware’s command group were flying in his command and control helicopter to view the battle when heavy anti-aircraft fire brought the helicopter down 5 km south of Lộc Ninh. Ware, his three command staff, and the four helicopter crew were all killed in the crash. One account states that Communist forces used a captured American radio to lure General Ware’s helicopter into an ambush. Ware was the second United States Army general officer to die in the Vietnam War, after Brigadier General Alfred Judson Force Moody died of a heart attack in South Vietnam on 19 March 1967. On 25 October 1968, Ware was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
Commanding the 1st Battalion attacking a strongly held enemy position on a hill near Sigolsheim, France, on 26 December 1944, Lt. Col. Ware found that one of his assault companies had been stopped and forced to dig in by a concentration of enemy artillery, mortar, and machine-gun fire. The company had suffered casualties in attempting to take the hill. Realizing that his men must be inspired to new courage, Lt. Col. Ware went forward 150 yards beyond the most forward elements of his command, and for two hours reconnoitered the enemy positions, deliberately drawing fire upon himself which caused the enemy to disclose his dispositions. Returning to his company, he armed himself with an automatic rifle and boldly advanced upon the enemy, followed by two officers, nine enlisted men, and a tank. Approaching an enemy machine gun, Lt. Col. Ware shot two German riflemen and fired tracers into the emplacement, indicating its position to his tank, which promptly knocked the gun out of action. Lt. Col. Ware turned his attention to a second machine gun, killing two of its supporting riflemen and forcing the others to surrender. The tank destroyed the gun. Having expended the ammunition for the automatic rifle, Lt. Col. Ware took up an M1 rifle, killed a German rifleman, and fired upon a third machine gun 50 yards away. His tank silenced the gun. Upon his approach to a fourth machine gun, its supporting riflemen surrendered and his tank disposed of the gun. During this action Lt. Col. Ware’s small assault group was fully engaged in attacking enemy positions that were not receiving his direct and personal attention. Five of his party of 11 were casualties and Lt. Col. Ware was wounded, but refused medical attention until this important hill position was cleared of the enemy and securely occupied by his command.
SECTION 30, SITE 258-3.