Leonard Harper AM

b. ?  d. ?

DATE OF AM ACTION: 05/08/1917 Rudheath, Northwich, Cheshire.

Very little is known about Lieutenant Leonard Harper of the Cheshire Regiment, other than it’s believed he had connections with Northwich, Cheshire.



On the 5th August, 1917, a melting-pot,, used for refining high explosives at an explosives factory, was being freed from a deposit of sediment which had accumulated. During the absence of Lieutenant Harper (one of the managers of the factory) a foreman attempted to break away the sediment, which was of a highly explosive nature, with an iron bar. The mixture fused, giving off fierce flames and thick fumes. On his arrival, Lieutenant Harper at once crawled with a hose underneath-the pot, which was raised about three feet from the ground, and directed water at the flames immediately above him. It was not until five or six hoses had been brought to bear on the pot for some time that the burning mixture was cooled down. Meanwhile there was imminent risk of an explosion, which would certainly have killed Lieutenant Harper and must have involved other buildings near by where 25 tons of high explosives were stored. Had such an explosion occurred, great loss of life and material damage must inevitably have resulted.