William Evans EM

b. ?  d. ?

DATE OF EM ACTION: 29/10/1909 Darran Colliery, near Deri, Glamorgan.

Little is known about the life of William Evans, a Pit Carpenter at the Darran Colliery, near Deri, Glamorgan other than the incident for which he was awarded the Edward Medal.



On the 29th of October, 1909, an explosion of coal dust occurred at the Darran Colliery, Deri, in the Cardiff district, by which 27 persons lost their lives, five succumbing during the rescue operations. Mr. Evan Owen, the Under Manager of the Colliery, was one of the first to enter the mine after the explosion. In the course of the day he accompanied several of the rescue parties to the furthest points it was. possible to reach, and several times he was partially overcome by the effects of the poisonous gases. He persisted in his efforts until late in the day, when he was persuaded to go home. Mr. Edmund Davies, the day fireman employed at the Colliery, was also among the first to enter the mine and made determined and continued attempts to succour the unfortunate men who had been affected by the explosion. Like Mr. Owen he was at times seriously affected by the noxious air and only desisted when his services were no longer of any avail. Dr. Turner, who was the first medical man to reach the mine, displayed great courage by promptly going down the ladders in the upcast and pumping-sbaft—an awkward descent to anyone unacquainted with mining work. He rendered all the assistance he could, and nearly paid for his bravery with his life, as he was severely affected by afterdamp.